Thank you for your interest in our community. Full and complete details about the tenant selection process can be found in the Tenant Selection Plan, which is available for view/download via this website. You may also request a copy by contacting or visiting the management office at 401-434-4547.
To apply, households must submit a complete pre-rental application packet which is available for print/download via this website. Pre-rental applications are also available 24/7 at the management office, or you may contact the management office at 401-434-4547 to request an application packet.
Taunton Plaza is federally subsidized housing for elderly/disabled households with a preference for elderly households. Applicant households must meet eligibility requirements aligned with HUD requirements as detailed in the Tenant Selection Plan. Eligibility factors include but are not limited to: income eligibility, prior residence screening and civil / criminal background screening.
Completed pre-application packets may be submitted 24/7 either in person, by mail, electronically or any equally effective format. Upon receipt of an application packet, management will inform the applicant household of the status of their application.
Please be advised, due to the high demand of affordable housing, this community operates via a waiting list. Emergency housing or availability in the short term are not feasible. For information on estimated waiting list timeframes or any other information, please contact management at 401-434-4547 or via email at
If you are disabled, and wish to request a reasonable accommodation, you may request one by contacting the management office.
Please print the above on LEGAL paper if possible.